I had the privilege of representing the sellers of 3068 Monhegan Way, which closed in April 2024 after a very short time on the market. While it may have seemed like a quick sale, the real work started long before the home hit the market. In fact, I began working with these clients in October 2023—five months before listing. That preparation was key to our success. Here’s how I helped them—and how I’d do the same for you.
A Thoughtful, Strategic Start
When you reach out about selling your home, we begin with a strategic planning session at your property. I assess your home’s condition, discuss potential improvements that could increase value, and provide a realistic pricing outlook—both as-is and with strategic upgrades. I also walk you through my comprehensive marketing plan, designed to maximize exposure and attract the right buyers.
Expert Staging & Pre-Listing Prep
Once we decide to work together, I invest in professional staging at my expense. The stager refines the layout, enhances flow, and may recommend adding or removing furniture to appeal to today’s buyers. If needed, I also connect you with trusted professionals—painters, handymen, and more—to ensure your home shows at its absolute best.
Flawless Presentation & Maximum Exposure
Next, we craft a custom marketing strategy tailored to your goals and market conditions. I hire top-tier photographers, drone operators, and videographers to create eye-catching visuals for the MLS, social media, and online platforms. Since most buyers start their search online, making a stellar first impression is non-negotiable.
No Rushed Listings—Only the Best First Impression
Unlike agents who rush to list, I prioritize preparation over speed. You get one chance to captivate buyers, and I ensure your home is market-ready before going public. Every detail is polished, every image is stunning, and every aspect of our strategy is set up for success.
Selling a home isn’t just about putting it on the market—it’s about positioning it to sell quickly and for top dollar. If you’re thinking about selling or want to discuss your next steps, let’s connect for a confidential consultation.