Best & Final Offers?

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Here’s a pro tip for you….

Charleston area real estate continues to be in demand.  We still see a shortage of available homes for sale with strong buyer interest.  Some homes are still receiving multiple offers.

As a buyer, it is critical that you put your best foot forward when you offer on a home.  Don’t wait for the seller to call for best & final offers from all offering parties…. because they don’t have to!

A seller may receive multiple offers & see one offer that stands out to them from the rest, be it price, terms, or a combination of those, and want to move forward with those buyers.  Meanwhile, you could be sitting at home thinking about what you want to offer for your best & final offer and how you will negotiate with the seller.  But you’ve missed out, because someone else put their best offer on the table from the start!

Don’t be caught wishing you had made a different offer.  Go in with your best possible offer!

If you have any questions, or want to learn how you go about writing a strong offer, reach out!


Lauren | Lauren Zurilla & Associates