Is Your House Priced Too High?

Every seller wants to get their house sold quickly, for as much money as they can, with as few headaches as possible. And chances are, you’re no different.

But did you know one of the biggest things that could jeopardize your success is the asking price for your home? Pricing your house correctly is one of the most crucial steps in the selling process.

So, how do you know if you’re missing the mark? Here are four signs your high asking price might be turning potential buyers away.

1. You’re Not Getting Many Showings or Offers

One of the most obvious signs your house may be overpriced is a lack of showings. If it’s been on the market for several weeks and only a few buyers have come to see it—or worse, you haven’t gotten any offers—it could be a clear indication the price isn’t matching up with what buyers expect. Because buyers who have been looking for a while can easily spot (and write off) a home that seems overpriced.

2. Buyers Have Consistent Negative Feedback after Showings

And if after the showings you do have, comments from the potential buyers aren’t great, you may need to course correct. Feedback from showings is an important part of understanding how buyers see your house. If they consistently say it’s overpriced compared to other homes they’ve seen, it’s time to reconsider your pricing strategy.

3. It’s Been on the Market for Too Long

And that lack of interest is ultimately going to lead to it sitting on the market without any serious bites. The longer it lingers, the more likely it is to raise red flags for buyers, who may wonder if something is wrong with it. Especially in today’s market with growing inventory, a long listing period means your house is stale – and that makes it even harder to sell.

4. Your Neighbor’s House Sold Without an Issue

And here’s the last one to watch out for. If similar homes in your area are selling faster than yours, it’s a clear sign that something is off. This could be due to things like a lack of upgrades, outdated features, or a less desirable location. Or, it may be priced too high.

Pricing a home correctly requires a deep understanding of the market and buyer psychology.  When a home isn’t drawing in buyers, it’s time to sit down with your trusted real estate agent and discuss options, including a possible price reduction.

At Lauren Zurilla & Associates, we combine our experience and knowledge along with weekly market updates for our sellers while their home is on the market.  Our goal is to constantly communicate with our sellers so they will never be left in the dark about how their home relates to their specific market.

Thinking of selling?  Reach out to us to set up a no obligation consultation.  We would love to meet you!


Lauren & Cambron | Lauren Zurilla & Associates

Adapted from Keeping Current Matters